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December 2024 Special Meeting Minutes


 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Thursday, December 26, 2024 @ 10:00 a.m.


Call to Order: The Library Board President called the meeting to order at 10:09 am, in the Addison Township Public Library, 1400 Rochester Rd, Leonard, MI 48367

Board Members Present: J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, C. Meininger - Yes,

J. Newby - Yes, W. Pack - Yes, M. Szost - Yes

Approval of Agenda: C. Meininger noted that the adresses were transposed on the purchased agreement.  J. Baldiga moves to approve the agenda, 2nd by M. Szost, all in favor, motion carried.

Order of Business:

       Update name on bank account(s) to remove Lori Fisher and add Michael McDonald.


C. Meininger proposed that the name on the account be changed to Addison Township Treasurer. Doing so would not require the Library Board to change the name every time there is a new Addison Township Treasurer. Board agrees to procced with adding the name of the new Township Treasurer for now and the question will be brough up to Oxford Bank to understand if Addison Township Treasurer would be an acceptable name on the account.


J. Baldiga  moved to have Lori Fisher, previous Addison Township Treasurer, removed from the Library's operational bank accounts and add Michael McDonald, newly elected Addison Township Treasurer, to the Library's Oxford Bank Operational Savings account and LGIP account. 2nd by W. Pack.  Roll call vote: J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, C. Meininger - Yes, J. Newby - Yes, W. Pack - Yes, M. Szost - Yes.  Motion carried. 


       Approve sale agreement for donated property and representative if needed.


A representative to sign closing documents for the property sale was discussed. The Board felt that two(2) board members would be best to sign the sale agreement for the donated property with a backup if needed. 


M. Szost moved that J. Elsarelli and J. Baldiga have primary authority to sign the agreement and that M. Szost have backup authority to sign in case J. Elsarelli or J. Baldiga are unavailable. 2nd by J. Baldiga.   Roll call vote: J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, C. Meininger - Yes, J. Newby - Yes, W. Pack - Yes, M. Szost - Yes .   Motion carried. 

Section 4 of the Sale Agreement was reviewed as a board and agreed to provide the following,

(i) any easements, leases and any subleases or assignments of any of same;

Provided the know easement from RCOC for stormwater drainage. J. Baldiga will review previous records on purchase from road commission for past road resurfacing project to Rochester rd. for any possible easement access agreements. If any are found, they will be provided.


(ii) any and all contracts relating to the management or operation of the Property;

None exist to the Board’s knowledge


(iii) any title insurance policies, commitments, or other evidence of title for the Property;

Current title for property has already been provided to the township


(iv) any surveys of the Real Property, including Geotech and boundary surveys;

Current survey for the property from Grant Ward has been provided to the township. No Geotech exists for the current Real Property.


(v) any building plans and specifications and other drawings or plans relating to the Real Property, including architectural and engineering drawings and reports;

Site plans with building elevations can be provided.


(vi) any notices or correspondence received by Seller from governmental authorities or other third parties within the past three (3) years regarding any violation or alleged violation of any law applicable to the Property;

None exist to the Library Board's knowledge.


(vii) any licenses, permits or approvals relating to the ownership or operation of the Property;

None exist to the Library Board's knowledge. Note that the Property is a part of a special assessment district for Lakeville Lake where additional property taxes apply.


(viii) any warranties, guaranties and bonds related to the Property;

None exist to the Library Board's knowledge.


(ix) any and all environmental, wetland, soil, property condition, engineering and geotechnical reports pertaining to the Property;

Latest environmental and any known wetland reports can be provided.


(x) any and all evidence of utilities running to or through the Real Property, as well as connections of utilities involving the Property;

No utilities exist to the Library Board's knowledge.


(xi) any and all letters, approvals, and/or notices received by Seller and related to the zoning and use of the Property;

Letter of special land use for a public library can be provided.


(xii) any and all agreements pertaining to access to or from the Property, including but not limited to recorded and unrecorded easements, licenses, and access agreements; and

Know easement from RCOC for stormwater drainage has been provided. Any additional documentation found from past road resurfacing project will be provided (see item (i)).


(xiii) any and all documents relating to or arising from any donation of the Property. 

All documents pertaining to the donation of the property filed at the library have been provided.


Library board recognizes that the Township Agrees to pay half (50%) of the closing cost for the property sale.


Township has already approached the donor of the property and has obtained permission to sell the property to the Township with the understanding that it will be developed in a manner that remains in agreement with the original intention of the donation. A “Consent To Substitute Real Property” document has already been initiated by the Township. A completed/signed copy of this document has not yet been provided to the Library.


J. Elsarelli moves to proceed with the property sale agreement provided by the Township and address the items as follows,

1. Section 4(due Diligence)

(i) Know easement from RCOC for stormwater drainage has been provided. Any possible easement access agreements found from previous resurfacing project to Rochester rd. will be provided.

(ii) None exist to the boards knowledge

(iii) Current title for property has already been provided to the township

(iv) Current survey for the property from Grant Ward has been provided to the township. No Geotech exists for the current Real Property.

(v) Site plans with building elevations can be provided.

(vi) None exist to the Library Board's knowledge.

(vii) None exist to the Library Board's knowledge.

(viii) None exist to the Library Board's knowledge.

(ix) Latest environmental and any known wetland reports can be provided.

(x) No utilities exist to the Library Board's knowledge.

(xi) Letter of special land use for a public library can be provided.

(xii) The know easement from RCOC for stormwater drainage has been provided (see item (i))

(xiii) All documents pertaining to the donation of the property filled at the library have been provided.


2. Agree to pay for half (50%) of all closing costs as presented by the Township.


3. Township will assist with obtaining all signatures and providing a completed copy of the “Consent To Substitute Real Property” document to the library upon closing of the property sale.


 , 2nd by M. Szost, Roll call vote: J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes,  C. Meininger - Yes, J. Newby - Yes, W. Pack - Yes, M. Szost - Yes     



Next Meeting: January 21, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by J. Elsarelli, 2nd by W. Pack, all in favor, none opposed - motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 10:53am