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February 2024 Board Meeting Minutes



MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, February 20, 2024@ 7:00 p.m.


Call to Order: The Library Board President called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM, in the Addison Township Public Library, 1400 Rochester Rd, Leonard, MI 48367

Board Members Present: J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Eller - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, K. King - No, Newby - Yes, M. Szost - Yes.

Pledge of Allegiance AU in attendance participated

Approval of Agenda:

-M. Szost moves to amend the agenda to include Performance Appraisal of New Director and Agenda flow, 2nd by J. Baldiga ,All in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

Call to Audience: (two minutes per visit01)

Consent Agenda:

  • Approval of Januaiy 16, 2024 meeting minutes
  • Approval of January 2024 bills and expenses as paid


-M. Szost moves to accept the consent agenda, 2nd by J. Eller, roll call vote; J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes, J. Newby - yes, M. Szost - yes, all yes, motion caffies.

Financial Report:

Discussion took place. *Millage check received from the township, however, it seems incorrect. D. Elsarelli and D. Lamsa will speak with Treasurer Fisher at the Township and report back.

- J. Eller moves to accept the Financial Report, 2nd by J. Baldiga, roll ca11 vote; J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller- yes, J. Elsarelli - yes, J. Newby - yes, M. Szost - yes, motion carries.

Director's Report: Director Elsarelli shared the Library Statistics. All E usages have continued to increase. A new Instagram page has been initiated to increase the social media present. New "Peach Jar" system through Oxford Schools email to share the Library flier and programs is in use. Test run proved to add new attendees to the Library and should help promote library programs. Anime Club for teens is now being offered. The Director continues to conquer the continuing education credits. Seeking a new cleaning custodian as the current one is retiring.

  • Baldiga moves to accept the Directors Report, 2nd by M. Szost, all in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

Committee Reports:

New Building:

  • Update on special use and site plan application status - Special use site plan application reviewed and approved with special usage and the proposed site *New Building committee will meet to draft a performance agreement that the Township is asking for.
  • HUD Grant updates - Baldiga shared that all documents have been submitted and are

currently under review for approval. Next steps as part of the Environmental Review SHPO requires a check for architectural significance. This will increase cost approximately $7000.00.

Public Information:


  • Employee Handbook - Committee met last Friday and went through the recommendations of the Employee Handbook with the template received from the Attorney, Foster & *Continued review taking place.




  • Update on proposed By-Law amendments. *Committee planning to meet.


Old Business:

  • Purchase agreement for selling parcels 05-27-256-009 and 05-27-254-007 *Work is mostly completed, continued work to be completed shortly.
  • Language for Millage renewal & resolution - Foster & Swift has approved the presented language proposal for the ballot resolution - Baldiga moves to accept the resolution to approve

the ballot resolution language proposal, 2nd by M. Szost. Roll call vote; J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller- yes, . J. Elsarelli - yes, J. Newby - yes, all in favor, motion carries.

New Business:


  • New Hire Appraisal - Elsarelli moves to form a New Hire Appraisal Committee of J. Eller and
  1. Szost for the purpose of evaluating the New Director. 2nd, by J. Baldiga. All in favor, motion approved.
  • Agenda Flow - Call to Audience, should it continue to be at the beginning of our meetings? Point of discussion for the Board agrees to keep it as is. J. Elsarelli moves to keep the agenda format as is, 2nd by J. Baldiga, all in favor, motion carries.

Public Forum:

Next Meeting: March 19, 2024@ 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)

Adjournment: J. Elsarelli moves to adjourn at 8:03 PM, 2nd by J. Newby, all in favor, meeting adjourned.

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