May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 21, 2024 @ 7:02 p.m.
Call to Order: The Library Board President called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM, in the Addison Township Public Library, 1400 Rochester Rd, Leonard, MI 48367
Board Members Present: J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Eller - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, K. King - Yes, J. Newby - Yes, M. Szost - Yes.
Pledge of Allegiance All in attendance participated
Approval of Agenda:
- M. Szost moves to accept the agenda, 2nd by . JBaldiga, All in favor, none opposed, motion carries. .
Call to Audience: (two minutes per visitor) PH asked why ground has not been broken at this time for the new facility.
Consent Agenda:
- Approval of April 16, 2024 meeting minutes
- Approval of April 2024 bills and expenses as paid
- J.Baldiga moves to accept the consent agenda and April expenses and bills presented, 2nd by K. King, roll call vote; J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes, K. King -yes, J. Newby - yes, M. Szost - yes, all yes, motion carries.
Financial Report:
Treasurer Szost indicated we are still on target. CPA will add an additional line item to show income & expense as HUD grant comes in and building project draws are made. $134,7052.00 $11, 710.42, 146,000.00 mileage money received and deposited to the Library bank account from the township. State aid and penal fines are expected to come in shortly. Current balance reflects $17,179.20 in additional revenue through wise management of funds.
-J. Baldiga moved to transfer $146,412.94 to the LIGP and to accept the financial report. 2nd by K. King. Discussion noted: J. Elsareli, notes the current budget is at 23% normally it would be 41% or higher. Healthy budget at this time. Roll call vote: J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes. J. Elsarelli - yes, K. King - yes, J. Newby - yes, M. Szost - yes, all yes, motion carries.
Director’s Report:
Stats overall hold steady. Director reports the $11,000.00 mileage dollars were transferred to the bank account this week. Mailchimp newsletter and our last distribution went out, 56.8% open rate. Summer reading program starting June 1, 2024 with many events & activities happening. A new club, “What’s Trending” is beginning. Look for details to come. Junk in the trunk scheduled for June 22, 2024. Strawberry festival - Friends will host a booth. Director met with TLN about current upgrades and will follow up again for future needs of the new building. Director has been actively continuing to educate herself on grants. A new clerk was hired this week, Annabelle Meldrum, a high school student.
- J. Baldiga moves to accept the Directors Report, 2nd by J. Eller, all in favor, none opposed, motion carries.
Committee Reports:
New Building:
- Project update: Structural engineering set back. Floor system concrete vs. wood floor joist; sketches being done for both to evaluate the cost impacts and safety of residents. Discussion took place.
- HUD Grant updates - J. Baldiga updates Board - Library has fulfilled this portion, SHPO has given verbal approval. Documentation coming.
- prevented from doing any ground disturbances until SHPO archaeological part is done. Once HUB shares final approval, groundbreaking can take place. HUB will do a preliminary walk through when the environment is completely submitted from HUD.
- Line item budget for HUD was provided by J. Baldiga.
- Rep. Slotkin's office reached out to J. Baldiga and would like to be invited to the ground breaking.
Public Information:
- Approval of project information that should be communicated
- Employee Handbook
- Baldiga recommends as funds are in hand consider disbanding this committee. Will review this at the next meeting.
- Approve proposed By-Law amendments - Foster & Swift reviewed the changes and found them all acceptable.
-J. Baldiga moves to accept the revisions of by laws as approved by Foster & Swift, 2nd by K. King, discussion-none, roll call, J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes, K. King - yes, J. Newby - yes, M. Szost - yes, all yes, motion approved.
- J. Elsarelli moves to dissolve the bylaw committee as the task is complete, 2nd by M. Szost, all in favor, none opposed, motion carries.
Director’s Evaluation Committee:
Positive review from the committee.
-J. Baldiga moves to accept & file the Director’s Evaluation, 2nd by K. King, all in favor, motion approved.
-A motion by J. Elsarelli to dismiss the Director Evaluation Committee as the task is complete. 2nd by J. Baldiga, all in favor, motion carries.
Old Business:
- Purchase agreement for selling parcels 05-27-256-009 and 05-27-254-007. J. Baldiga worked with Primary Title Agency, LLC on a purchase agreement that is to be offered to Addison Township for the purchase of property donated to the Library. Document shared and discussed. It is now ready to be presented to the Township floor.
-J. Elsarelli moves to appoint the Secretary to present the document to Supervisor Pearson for possible approval and or editing. Secretary is to note that the signature of all board members will be added to the document and indicated the closing dates timeframe to be determined. 2nd by M.Szost, all in favor, motion carries.
New Business:
Public Forum:
- Hodges shares that the Library property by Maple Cove lot needs to be mowed due to obstruction of view. J. Elsarelli will ask Supervisor Pearson for possible help with that. Friends are not making the yes booth as there are too many friends on the yes committee.
- Frost announces the grand opening of the new park | pickle ball court to take place on June 17, 2024.
Next Meeting: June 18, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)
Adjournment: J. Elsarelli moves to adjourn at 8: PM, 2nd by J. Eller, all in favor, meeting adjourned.